Photographs by Jeffrey Silverthorne
September 7 - October 26, 2019

Most of these photographs were made after I had been photographing for forty-three years. They come from an appreciation of things, of time and relationships, that move slowly. They are things that do not change much and make quiet sounds of pleasure or desperation. Death is not here, any more than that it is everywhere. Older now, I do not look for the agitation of youth or have illusions and pretensions of crusading to solve an old problem in new clothes.
The notable departures from this position might seem to be the 9/11 and bull photographs. They are not. Terrorism and torture are our close and usual companions, inflicted from without and executed from within. While physical boundaries are real barriers, the public and self-imposed limits of curiosity and imagination work to keep the wonderer small and contained.
These photographs come from the necessity of looking. It’s good to know where you are. – Jeffrey Silverthorne, 2019